Alexa Bliss vs. Nia Jax
We go to the ring and out comes RAW Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss for this non-title match. Nia Jax is out next as JoJo does the introductions.
The bell rings and Bliss stalls, taking her time. She goes to the floor and Nia tells her to bring it. She comes back in and goes behind but Nia slings her across the ring, back out to the floor. The referee counts and Nia tells Bliss to get back in the ring. Bliss comes back in and hides behind the referee but Nia grabs her. Nia lifts Bliss high and holds her but Bliss breaks free with a knee. Bliss tries to run away but Nia grabs her. Bliss slaps Nia and retreats to the ramp.
Bliss tries to leave but the music interrupts and out comes Sasha Banks. Bliss runs back towards the ring but she runs into Nia and hits the floor. Nia stands over Bliss at ringside as we go back to commercial.
Back from the break and Nia is in control. Bliss turns it around and Nia hits hard in the corner. Bliss keeps control and goes to the top for a crossbody but Nia catches her in mid-air and hits a Samoan Drop. Jax covers for the win.
Winner: Nia Jax
– After the match, Sasha hits the ring and jumps on Jax’s back but Nia slams her to the mat. Nia stands tall until Bayley’s music hits and out she comes to a big hometown pop. Nia tells Bayley to bring it but she just looks on from ringside. Bayley steps up on the apron and enters the ring, standing with Bliss and Banks. They take Nia out and send her to the floor. Sasha’s music hits as she and Bayley hug. Nia leaves as the other three look on from the ring. Bliss tries to get in on the celebration with Bliss and Banks but Sasha decks her and Bayley drops her with a Bayley-to-Belly suplex. Bayley’s music hits and she celebrates with Sasha.
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» Images > Digitals > RAW > 2017 > September 18th, 2017
» Screen Captures > World Wrestling Entertainment > RAW > 2017 > September 18th, 2017
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