SECOND MATCH: IWGP Women’s Championship Match: KAIRI (c) vs. Tam Nakano
They lock up. KAIRI gets Tam on the ropes and hits her in the torso. They trade holds. KAIRI fights out of a headlock and hits an armdrag. Tam uses her flexibility to counter KAIRI. The two women stare down while laying on their stomachs. KAIRI smacks Tam. Both women fight to their feet, exchanging blows. KAIRI hits a spear.
KAIRI maintains dominance and climbs to the top rope. KAIRI hits a diving forearm for a nearfall. They trade blows. Tam hits a spinning heel kick. KAIRI rolls out of the ring. Tam climbs the top rope. Tam hits a diving crossbody to the floor. Tam rolls KAIRI back in the ring. Tam hits a Bridging German Suplex for a nearfall.
KAIRI counters a suplex and staggers Tam. Nakano blocks a spinning backfist. Nakano hits a Violet Screwdriver for a nearfall. A frustrated Nakano pummels KAIRI. KAIRI comes back with a Spinning Backfist for a nearfall.
KAIRI hits another Spinning Backfist and climbs the top rope. KAIRI hits Insane Elbow for the pinfall in 5:57.
After the match, the lights go out and a video shows on the screen introducing “The CEO” Mercedes Mone’. Mercedes hits KAIRI with a weird armbreaker. “I’m the standard, the conversation, the blueprint, and the CEO of the women’s division.” Mone’ says she will face KAIRI at NJPW Battle In The Valley in San Jose, CA on Feburary 18.
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